happstack-authenticate 2
Corentin Dupont
2015-08-03 11:02:05 UTC

I'm a bit confused about the routeAuthenticate and authenticateState bits
in the new happstack-authenticate.

It seems that I have to do this in the beginning of my application:

(_, routeAuthenticate, authenticateState) <-
liftIO $ initAuthentication Nothing (const $ return True)
[ initPassword "http://localhost:8000/#resetPassword" "example.org"
, initOpenId]

Where this should be done? In the main? If possible I'd prefer to delay it
because my main is web-agnotic.
Where should I store those two values? Should I put them in my monad stack
(I have a StateT)?
Is the routeAuthenticate really necessary? It looks a bit cumbersome to
carry it around everywhere in the states.

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