happstack-authenticate 2 account creation
Corentin Dupont
2015-08-03 14:47:09 UTC
another question: how to parameter the account creation?
For example now it accepts a name with only a space and no emails. How can
I change that?
I'm a bit confused about the routeAuthenticate and authenticateState bits
in the new happstack-authenticate.
(_, routeAuthenticate, authenticateState) <-
liftIO $ initAuthentication Nothing (const $ return True)
[ initPassword "http://localhost:8000/#resetPassword" "example.org
, initOpenId]
Where this should be done? In the main? If possible I'd prefer to delay it
because my main is web-agnotic.
Where should I store those two values? Should I put them in my monad stack
(I have a StateT)?
Is the routeAuthenticate really necessary? It looks a bit cumbersome to
carry it around everywhere in the states.
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Jeremy Shaw
2015-08-04 04:09:09 UTC

The current code does not enforce any sort of sensible restrictions on
username/password/email, etc, no does it provide hooks to allow you to. But
it would be swell if it did!

That information would be passed in via the initPassword function:


Right now there is a paramater, isAuthAdmin. I am thinking that would be
replace with a record that includes isAuthAdmin, plus some functions that
can place restrictions on the username and password?

- jeremy
Post by Corentin Dupont
another question: how to parameter the account creation?
For example now it accepts a name with only a space and no emails. How
can I change that?
Post by Corentin Dupont
I'm a bit confused about the routeAuthenticate and authenticateState
bits in the new happstack-authenticate.
Post by Corentin Dupont
(_, routeAuthenticate, authenticateState) <-
liftIO $ initAuthentication Nothing (const $ return True)
[ initPassword "http://localhost:8000/#resetPassword" "
Post by Corentin Dupont
, initOpenId]
Where this should be done? In the main? If possible I'd prefer to delay
it because my main is web-agnotic.
Post by Corentin Dupont
Where should I store those two values? Should I put them in my monad
stack (I have a StateT)?
Post by Corentin Dupont
Is the routeAuthenticate really necessary? It looks a bit cumbersome to
carry it around everywhere in the states.
Post by Corentin Dupont
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